Thursday, September 08, 2005


Scurge of the universe or just little hairy creatures that spawned from a petriedish. My vote is the dish...because reading about these creatures is kind of weird. I guess they are from peru. Sure they are. and there even is a alpaca research institution. That kind of scares me. And makes me believe that alpacas will one day rule the world.

These scary little creatures that look like lamas and yet give wool like a sheep. That soundslike gene splicing if i have ever heard it.

And so help me if people start to have these things as pets i'm going to freak. Because that must be their plan. Lets let these stupid mother fuckers think that we are cool as shit so that we can take these bumb bitches and bend them over and have our way with them. It is just scaring me about these alpacas because they are just not natural...I think that i will investigate these things more...not by reading but by actually leaving my house, which i never do, and go to one of these farms and see what the fuck is going on...

I bet these fucking farmers don't even know shit about these fucking animals...

New addiction...

I'm so addicted to frapachinnos, or however you spell that lovely hatefuly drink. I have never really been a fan of coffee drinks but now that i have discovered starbucks frap i'm in heaven.

I have learned how to make these mosters at home. I think that i have it down now. But i'm drinking them so much that i don't blink anymore. Is that good or bad? Who cares i like 'em.

I think that i like them so much because i'm not much of any hot drink. I like cold drinks. Even wine i would rather have white because it is served chilled and not room temp like red. So I guess coffee would be the same.

That carmel flavor followed by a strong mellow tast of coffee is just rocking my clock mary...

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

You know i thought that i would never get into this blog thing but lets just say that i'm starting to love it. I feel like i am doing a service to someone. Who that is i have no fucking idea because i only know of one person that even looks at the site. Oh well at least it gives me something to do inbetween naps...

What the hell is up with all the dead skunks in the middle of the road????

Thats it...have a nice day!

A friend's view...

So a friend of mine thinks that this guy, that i now work for, is really cute. Well i'm not seeing it. First he isn't ugly but not drop dead gorgous. He has an ok face but his ass is like, should i strap a board accross it so he doesn't fall in?????

So my friend should reconsider what his tastes in men are and don't get my hopes up with the tastes of nuts and honey...if you know what i mean...

I thought i would have eye candy to look at all night but no....i'm stuck looking at "the cream of the crop"

Sunday, August 28, 2005

I love shopping! I haven't been much of a shopper lately in my life. Like i was when I was younger.

I love just looking at all the cloths and stuff that exists in our 'plastic society', which I love. Even if I don't buy anything it makes me happy. Well happy is a strong word because it is more like upset because I have gotten old and fat. But that is good because it makes me want to improve my life. So I think that I need to go shopping every weekend. Even if I don't buy anything at least I can get that modivation to stay on my diet and exercise, more then walking from the fridge to the couch. LOL

And I think that if i buy only like one item at a time on clearance then I will have a wardrobe that has some style again. But also that i don't have to go buy all my cloths at one time speading a large amount of money on these and then having them all fall apart at the same time and then be out of style all at the same time. Well this is logical to shut it...

This all got started again because I was shopping and got a pair of Chaps and a shirt. But the real reason is that i got a pair of Calvin Kline jeans...I just love CK, that was my favorite when I was younger and cool.

So I am going to be stylish and cool once more...even if that doesnt' happen maybe i can get myself to loose the rest of my fat and maybe look good before i turn scary is that...old person comming through, look out...

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Celebrity Match

So I went to this site:

And this was the results. I did everything very truthful and if this is what I end up with when I was done…

This is fucked up right here...I don't like any of these...I want a recount!

Your Celebrity Match is: Dave Matthews

Dave Matthews

Born: January 9, 1967Dave Matthews is the leader of the "Dave Matthews Band." In 2001 they released a new album, "Everday" which went straight to number one on the billboard charts. The Dave Matthews Band also won a VH1 video music award for Best Live Performance in 2000.

Your next closest matches were:

Sean Penn -- this is just gross -- why do I attract the retards... “would he be the slow Sean somewhere between “I am Sam” or Sean at home with his kids”, Karen (Will & Grace)

Brett Favre -- Football????????? Is that the one with the basket?

Kevin Spacey -- this is the only maybe

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Welcome to the beginning...

Welcome to the beginning of my blog.

I expect this will be a world full of tangents like most of my thoughts.  Ranging from politics, when I feel compelled;  things that bug me;  lifestyles, Gay, Straight, Bi, Thai;  basically almost anything that hits me that day or moment.  So get ready for a dizzying mishmash of random words and thoughts.  

I will be honest and say that this will be my first blog or any major writing I have done, which will be apparent for the first few posts I would believe.  Either way enjoy…